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The Future of Video Conferencing

by Bo Wu Due to the fear of COV-19 spread around the world, most companies in the United States have asked their employees to work from home. The demand for video conferencing and collaboration tools has never been greater. Among all the video …

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U.S. to Withdraw From Open Skies Treaty

On May 21st, 2020, the Trump Administration announced that it would be withdrawing from the Open Skies Treaty. The Open Skies Treaty was first negotiated in 1992 by President George H.W. Bush and Secretary of State James Baker, and went into effect …

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Ways to Keep Yourself Busy During Quarantine

By: Eileen Guo It’s safe to say things are understandably weird right now. As the world reacts to the COVID-19 pandemic, people across the planet are staying home, quarantining, and practicing social distancing as an effort to slow — and hopefully stop …

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Poaching and Pandemics

Almost six months ago, COVID-19 began because of either a bat or a pangolin in a market from Wuhan, China. Due to this, scientists are warning of other possible pandemics as a consequence of destroying the environment.  Animal to human diseases, also …

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Nearsightedness (Myopia)

By: Emily Zhang Nearsighted is a common issue among students nowadays. Sometimes this is caused by one’s genes, while other cases are caused by using your eyes for too long- most commonly from reading or watching electronic devices. Unfortunately, nearsightedness is not …

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