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Foods and Diets that Can Make You Smarter

Author: Rita Li When it comes to survival, two of the most important things someone thinks about are food and water. Today, let’s talk about one of them: food. How is food related to the brain and eating what types of food …

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The Dawn of Genetically Engineered Humans

By: Eric Guo In a world’s first, Chinese researchers at the Sun Yat-Sen University in Guangzhou were able to use gene editing to modify human embryos. The 16-person team of researchers sought to alter the gene that causes the fatal blood disorder …

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Messi’s Legacy and Trade

Barcelona witnessed his brilliance at an early age, and despite his growth deficiency, they immediately signed his contract on a paper napkin, not wanting to risk losing this generational talent. The young Lionel Messi walked onto the pitch at age 17, and …

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Food and Mood

by Rita Li Food is an important aspect of life when considering survival. While many have suggested that eating healthy can improve physical health and body shapes, it is often ignored how healthy eating can also impact people’s mood in everyday life. …

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A Peek into the Upcoming iPhone 13

By: Zeru (Peter) Li With September nearing, it is that time of the year again for new iPhone events. This year, we are expecting Apple to release four new iPhone models, including iPhone 13 mini, iPhone 13, iPhone 13 Pro, and iPhone …

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Severe Floods in Henan

By Kevin Zhang Emergency workers in the capital city Zhengzhou of the central Chinese province Henan were working to pump out a flooded road tunnel, where hundreds of vehicles were reportedly trapped, before Saturday (7/24) night. Authorities have not released an official …

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