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Marijuana’s Advantages

By Jiemin Sun The health effects of marijuana are dependent on the frequency of use, the efficacy, the amount used, and the age of the user. Healthy adults occasionally use marijuana in small amounts, with little or no effects at all. The …

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Flint Water Crisis

Almost 3 years have passed since the murky water first made its way into the population’s stomachs in Flint, Michigan. The population blames the state government and protests have never ceased. What has caused this disaster in the city’s water infrastructure? In …

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Teenage Depression

Have you ever noticed your children or friends staying away from someone, unwilling to communicate? Is this just normal teenage rebellious behavior or is it depression? Either way, please pay attention. Because of academic pressure, miscommunication issues with parents or the long-term …

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Brexit and Healthcare

As poll results came flooding in on the morning of Friday, June 24, 2016, many Britons woke up to face the fact that Her Majesty’s Great Britain (also known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) had seceded from …

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Bright Beetroot Drink

The list of “Super foods” for teenagers includes tomatoes, oats, blueberries, salmon, kale, broccoli, black beans, etc. But research shows Beets should also be added to this list. Research shows beetroots can boost stamina and helping you exercise longer, improve blood flow, …

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Henry Judah Heimlich

By Michael Chang The creator of the Heimlich Maneuver and numerous other medical techniques, Henry Judah Heimlich helped save millions of lives. His discoveries and inventions were put to use immediately by the American Red Cross Organization, and is part of the …

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Carl Friedrich Gauss

By David Zhang Have you ever wondered where all the formulas you have memorized in math class came from? They weren’t magically written into your textbook. These theorems were formulated by many mathematicians, including Carl Friedrich Gauss. Gauss was born on April …

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