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Ride to Insolvency Ride to Insolvency

By Michael Chang Healthcare in the United States has always been noted for its demanding fees and large bills for seemingly little or no service. The issue has gone unsolved for decades, and while the European socialist system tops the charts in …

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Carb Crashes

By Bill C We often see some of our classmates fall asleep during class, sometimes in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon. A recent survey showed that at least 20% of students fall asleep in a typical day. Besides lack of sleep, …

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Pressurized Cabin

We have all been on an airplane. You settle in your seat and the flight attendants give their safety demonstration. Minutes later, you are airborne, leaving the ground at 1500 feet per minute. Then, suddenly, you start to feel nauseous, maybe dizzy. …

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Healthcare in the Soviet Union

By Michael Chang The Soviet Union, like any other communist nation, had a socialist healthcare model. Named the Semashko system, after Nikolai Semashko, the People’s Commissioner of Public Health in 1928, the citizens’ healthcare needs were paid for by the government. All …

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Chernobyl Disaster

Nuclear power was always seen as the power source of the future, but it can quickly become only part of the past. The towns of Chernobyl and Pripyat were small, thriving soviet cities with a combined population of 100,000. Days later, they …

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VX Nerve Agent

The Kim dynasty has had control of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea since 1948 and has been ruthless to its political enemies both inside and out of the country. This “Mount Paektu Bloodline” remains in total control of the country, and …

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Medics of WWI

World War I was one of the bloodiest and largest conflicts in history. Through the Industrial Revolution and rapid destabilization of traditionally balanced power between large countries in Europe, a full-scale war broke out with the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. Within four …

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