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Home / Christina Hua

Christina Hua

Microplastic Pollution

Christina Hua Invented in 1907, plastic has been the source of many environmental debates, ranging from pollution concerns to biodegradability. Problems such as the usage of plastic straws and littering of soda rings are particularly mainstream as it endangers and kills sea …

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Poaching and Pandemics

Almost six months ago, COVID-19 began because of either a bat or a pangolin in a market from Wuhan, China. Due to this, scientists are warning of other possible pandemics as a consequence of destroying the environment.  Animal to human diseases, also …

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Ozone Hole

By Christina Hua In early 2020, a gigantic hole in the ozone layer was discovered above the Arctic, roughly three times the size of Greenland. Since then, the hole has fixed itself, much to the relief of scientists and researchers. If the …

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Microplastic Concentrations on Ocean Floor

By Owen Xu On the bottom of the Mediterranean near Italy, scientists have detected high concentrations of microplastics; in fact, these samples contain the highest concentrations ever recorded. The University of Manchester led a study that discovered that there were approximately 1.9 …

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Ancient Rainforests

By Christina Hua Recently, a team of European researchers and scientists have discovered soil from the Cretaceous period less than a thousand kilometers away from the South Pole. The roots, spores, and pollen discovered in the soil analysis shows that the South …

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Saving Marine Life in 30 Years

By Owen Xu Li An international review found the possibility of marine life to recover to healthy levels in the next 30 years if urgent action is taken right now. A published article from the science journal “Nature” expressed the surprise of …

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