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Final Exams: Studying Tips

By Mihika Badjate It’s that wonderful time of year again! Time to get your textbooks, binder paper, and extra pack of pencils out, because final exams are coming up, and coming up fast. Studying for finals is never particularly exciting, but if …

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How are the Koalas?

By Owen Xu Li Throughout the last few weeks, Australia has suffered tremendous wildfires, causing a loss of about 1 million hectares and 1,000 koalas. Just in Port Macquarie, a nature reserve, 350 koalas have burned to death. This incident has caused …

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Chilean Airforce Recovers Plane Crash

The Chilean Air Force said on Thursday it has recovered human remains in the search for an Antarctica-bound plane that crashed earlier this week with 38 people on board. There were no survivors, Arturo Merino, head of Chile’s air force, told reporters. …

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E. Coli Returns

By: Michael Chang A familiar situation to that of the California Imperial Valley and Yuma, Arizona infestation of E. Coli from last year is playing out again, this time hitting the other large supplier of romaine lettuce in the nation. The Salinas …

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Is Starlink a threat to Astronomy?

By Yi Zhang On Nov 11, SpaceX launched 60 Starlink satellites into space, with the 2nd batch in the planned 30,000 satellites in the constellation. With the payload of transmitters, the satellites will serve as the access points of internet service across …

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Wealth In Politics

America’s wealthy elite is experiencing huge success––in national politics. Most recently, former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg announced his bid for president: the richest man to run for president. In fact, within the first week of his candidacy, Bloomberg kicked off …

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