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The End of the Climate Crisis?

Serena Mao Following dire warnings year after year that our CO2 emissions have been consistently skyrocketing, it seems that we’ve finally hit the turning point activists have been calling for. Indeed, global emissions in 2020 are predicted to drop 8%, the largest …

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Terrorist Attack On Kabul Hospital

On Tuesday, May 12th, 2020, Gunmen attacked a hospital in Kabul, Afghanistan, leaving 56 people dead and 100 others wounded. Attacks on the hospital’s maternity ward alone killed 24 people, including newborn children.  The Afghan government has blamed the Taliban, a common …

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Adjusting Study Habits During Quarantine

By: Eileen Guo Things may feel out-of-control right now. You may be facing a lot of unknowns and disruptions. Try to be patient with yourself, your classmates, and your instructors during this time. Take care of your wellbeing first. Making a plan …

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Ozone Hole

By Christina Hua In early 2020, a gigantic hole in the ozone layer was discovered above the Arctic, roughly three times the size of Greenland. Since then, the hole has fixed itself, much to the relief of scientists and researchers. If the …

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Vitamin D

By: Michelle Hua Vitamin D is an essential nutrient within the human body. Despite its name, vitamin D is actually a hormone, not a vitamin, as it can be produced by the body. This nutrient is extremely important to maintain a healthy …

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Sale of .org Domain Owner Blocked

by David Zhang When you go to search something on the internet, it is difficult to tell with just a glance what kind of purpose a site serves. This is where domain names come in handy. They help a user identify generally …

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Coronavirus as an Opportunity

Serena Mao The shelter in place orders have had quite an impact on all of us––likely a different one on everyone, but an impact nonetheless. Common themes include being extraordinarily bored, as we can’t go out to eat with our friends or …

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