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Serena Mao

To Be Famous

Serena Mao When you ask a child what she wants to be when she grows up, you’ll usually get answers like rockstars, astronauts, football players, etc. Although there’s probably great diversity in the answers of different kids, a similar theme often emerges–––kids …

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The Web Strategy

By Alan Chen “Get off your smartphone.” Nowadays, teens hear this all the time. The youth of today are bombarded with criticism of their tendency to talk, text, and communicate online. Whether it’s social media like Instagram or Facebook, games like Overwatch, …

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The Explosive Op-Ed

Serena Mao On September 5th, the New York Times published an anonymous Op-Ed, apparently written by a senior official in the Trump administration whose identity is only opened to the Times. At this unprecedented piece, the entire nation has exploded into shock …

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The Media’s Impact

Serena Mao In this technology-ridden world, we are surrounded by the media; in fact, we depend on it. Through data and articles published on various news networks and the information spread through social media, we depend on third party sources around us …

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Fake It Til You Make It

Serena Mao In Greek mythology, Pygmalion was a sculptor who never liked a single living woman. One curious day, however, he fell in love with one for a first time–––thought it was only a wondrous female statue of his own creation. He …

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High School Debate

  “Is everyone ready?” “If so, time can start…now.” The words begin flowing smoothly out of his mouth, a carefully constructed case about the capital gains tax and its abolishment. He’s in a high school debate round, part of an activity that …

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Dangers of Senior Living

Ning Luo “Now every room is mine, and I can do as I please,” Ito said. “But it’s no good” (Onishi, 2017). A simple complaint from Chieko Ito, an 83 year old elder who lives alone in Tokiwadaira, nonetheless reflects the urging …

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