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The Way to the Soul

By: Tammy Lu

American writer, Bill James, once said, “It’s easy for people to grow up in our society believing that certain lifestyles are risk free when they certainly are not.” A lifestyle could be defined as the way a person lives, or a specific way of doing something, but most importantly it’s the most personal part of someone’s life. It can show a person’s personality, or maybe it’s a way they can express their culture and share their history. Around the world, no matter where you live or who you are, all that counts is what your lifestyle says about you. Whether it’s the way you keep your room, or the type of music you listen to, all these contribute to who you are as a person.

Lifestyles are a daily routine, they come and happen just as easily as breathing does. Although they come easily, it is hard to make them go away. One type of lifestyle is the way a person keeps his or her room. Sure you could tell if they are neat or messy, or if they like things tidy or disorganized. But there are more things you can tell about them, if their room is full of bright colors it shows they are happy, cheerful people, or maybe their room is just plain which means they are quiet people. There are many more things people can tell about someone else’s personality from the way they keep their rooms. Looking at a person’s room can also tell you their interests, the kind of things they like and what they are interested in.

The way people keep their room isn’t the only thing that can help you conclude what their personality is like; you can also tell by the kind of music they listen to. But the types of music they listen to can be more for expressing their culture or passion. If they listen to different kinds of music with different languages it can help tell more about their culture. Or if they listen to music that have inspiring lyrics, it can tell more about their dreams. From kpop, to hip hop, pop, rock, or maybe even classical, everyone has a favorite style of music, and these things can tell a lot about themselves.

You never know if you could be the next Picasso. All you have to do is look at your lifestyle. Not only can you find who you are with your lifestyle, but also most importantly it’s a form of expression. It’s the easiest way to show who you are, your culture, your history, and your passion. Sometimes the hardest thing is to make a statement and show who you are, but lifestyles are one of the easiest ways to do that. So, you could write a new definition for what a lifestyle is: it’s the gateway to the soul.


About Eric Guo

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