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Home / Lifestyle / Swimming Life: Swimmer’s Edition

Swimming Life: Swimmer’s Edition

By: Patrick Xu

On February 13, 2016, at Hacker Dojo in Mountain View, California, I interviewed PEAK swimmer Ethan Hu, one of the highest ranked swimmers in the 13-14 year old age group, on what factors make a swimmer who he or she is and what is important to remember throughout swimming with its ups and downs. According to Ethan, in order to become a successful swimmer you have to put in the time to commit to improving yourself, have a great community around you that supports and pushes you to become better including a good coach who will guide you through the athletic world, and have an open mind to how you can always become better.  You also have to remember to not let past races affect you and to keep persevering and pushing through to do better in future races.

About Eric Guo

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