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I Am Hobbit Assassin Miner

By Jerome Wu I’m standing with a group of hobbits, dwarves, centaurs, and a haunt in a semicircle around a hobbit prince, deep in a dungeon far from home. A few dark heros and skeletons canter into the dungeon. I ready my …

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In Vitro Meat

Submitted by: Selena Guo Scientists have found ways to culture animal cells in a laboratory called in vitro meat. The resulting tissue is edible and completely indistinguishable from naturally grown livestock. Since the beginning of civilization, meat has been an essential part …

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Dangers of DIY Routines

Submitted by: Selena Guo Nowadays, DIY beauty routines have become increasingly popular. Their benefits are clear to see; they are often cheaper, all-natural, and usually work just as well. However, without proper understanding of the ingredients, even all-natural remedies can hurt you. …

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Developing the Next Instagram

By Michael Yang Given the success that apps such as Snapchat and Instagram have had, it is tempting to assume that one could single handedly code and create the next Instagram. However, making the app useable, and getting it to take off, …

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Rock into Diamond, Diamond into Dust

By: Katherine Han Report card day. The day that every student either dreads or anxiously awaits. When the report cards roll in, every student is eager to see what grades they received in their classes. Straight A students get whoops and shouts …

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The Bullet Journal

Submitted By: Eric Guo The Bullet Journal In this day and age, productivity is necessary for success. People that are able to organize their time well are able to get much more accomplished in a shorter amount of time. However, not everyone …

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Save the Ospreys!

Submitted by: Alex Wang Ospreys are quite a sight to see. But, the osprey population has been declining over the past 50 years. Why are their once vast numbers dissipating? It’s all because of us. We’ve destroyed trees in order to create …

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