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Comfort In The Classroom

By Krystal Yang While the importance of understanding information and gaining knowledge in the classroom is crucial, physical comfort for students cannot be overlooked either. The physical environment that educators shape plays a profound role in children’s learning. According to Dr. Sheryl …

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Xi & Trump meeting

Chinese President Xi Jinping Arrived in Florida for First Face-to-Face Meeting with Trump By Roger Kim On Thursday, April 6, 2017, Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida for his two-day visit. The meeting got off …

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Qingming Festival

By: Theresa Tu The annual Qingming Festival just recently passed. Qingming, Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, and Dragon Boat Festival are collectively known as China’s four major festivals. The Qingming Festival is a traditional Chinese festival on the the first day of the …

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Congress Repealed Internet Privacy Rules By Roger Kim On March 28th, Congress repealed the FCC’s internet privacy rules. The rules would have required internet service providers, or ISPs, to obtain consumer permission before collecting and sharing data and notify consumers of the …

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Submitted by: Cindy Zhang Have you ever wondered about how farm animals are being treated before being slaughtered and served to your dining table? Thanks to social media, animal cruelty has been a highlight recently Farms and companies use the high demand …

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Acne’s Demise

Acne, a medical condition despised by teenagers, is mainly caused by damaged fat glands. The pores on the skin and the oil glands of the skin below are connected. These fat glands are responsible for producing sebum (an oily substance). The pores …

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