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Book Review: Outliers

By Megan Tjandrasuwita Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell takes a closer look at the “outliers” of society, whether it be similarities of the best hockey players, how the Beatles rose to success, or how being Jewish at a time when Jews were discriminated …

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Build the Wall?

Submitted by: Lauren Watt What if Trump ends up building the wall? Texas’ 1,200 miles of border with Mexico will be separated, ruining habitats and damaging the ecosystem. Biologists are very concerned about the impact this will have on the high biodiversity …

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The Cats of Dr. Pottenger

By Xin C   Dr. Francis M. Pottenger, Jr. was a holistic medical doctor who wanted to test the potency of his adrenal hormone extract on cats. Most of the cats died during or following the operation to remove their adrenal glands. …

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Amazon’s HQ2 Location

By Lily Wang Amazon, the third most valuable company in the world, founded its first headquarters in Seattle in 1999. Now, it’s time for it to pick a second headquarter. Amazon has been looking for the optimal location for a couple of …

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Freestyle Music Composition

By Will Wu Last week, I met a friend who is taking a class with a teacher on how to compose music. I told him that he was so lucky, as learning composition would be much more efficient with the guidance of …

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Behind the Scenes at the Olympics

Submitted by: Iris Yuan While you were cheering for your favorite Olympic athletes, dogs were, and still are, being slaughtered for their meat. In South Korea, there are over 17,000 dog meat farms. Before they are killed, the dogs live brutal lives. …

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