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The Media’s Impact

Serena Mao In this technology-ridden world, we are surrounded by the media; in fact, we depend on it. Through data and articles published on various news networks and the information spread through social media, we depend on third party sources around us …

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By: Katherine Han   This summer, I returned to Kathmandu, Nepal. We went to the Shree Gamvir Samudra Setu Secondary School to help paint their classrooms and amp up their library. Since last year I helped mainly with painting the walls a …

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Creative Eco-Friendly Habits

by Sachi Bajaj Sea levels rising. Coral reefs dying. Ozone layer depleting. Our environment is crumbling, and if we are not quick to act, it will fall. Priscilla Chan, the wife of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, asserts that we as the “current generation …

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The Resurgence of Typhoid

By Kevin Bryan If you are planning a trip out of the country, especially to non-industrialized areas of the world, consult your doctor about the necessity for a typhoid vaccination. Typhoid is a solely human disease that is spread by contaminated food …

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Fake It Til You Make It

Serena Mao In Greek mythology, Pygmalion was a sculptor who never liked a single living woman. One curious day, however, he fell in love with one for a first time–––thought it was only a wondrous female statue of his own creation. He …

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Why Nuclear Power?

by Alex Wang So how does a nuclear power plant work? Most Americans think of radiation, contamination, and fall- out when they hear nuclear energy. However, energy from a nuclear power plant is derived much differently than most people think. A nuclear …

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French Dining Culture

By: Niko Bardin France is often associated with its reputable cuisine and etiquette details that shape its refined dining culture. France is a nation of gourmets, and French people consider eating not just a matter of regaining energy, but as a pleasure. …

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