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How to Plan your Vacation

Source: https://static.pexels.com/photos/4952/sky-beach-vacation-summer.jpeg

Traveling can be very fun, but it also can be confusing if you don’t have a plan. Based on my past travel experiences, I will provide details and ideas on how to provide a travel plan when you travel. First, I would …

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CDC’s Salt Guidelines

By Emily Zhang Salt, a fundamental ingredient in almost all the foods we eat, is also related to high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. How much salt should you take per day to keep healthy? CDC, in its dietary guidelines for …

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The Resumption of Major League Baseball

Major League Baseball, which plans to begin its regular season in three weeks, said on Friday the 26th, 31 players had tested positive for COVID-19. In addition to the players, seven staff members had also tested positive. This information was released by …

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U.S. Missionaries Kidnapped in Haiti

By Kevin Zhang Around 15 American missionaries and family members have been kidnapped on Saturday by gang members outside the Haitian capital, according to local law enforcement.  The group of between 15 and 17 people, including minors, was being held by an …

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How to Become Famous on Social Media

Becoming famous is hard, but in the past, I have been successful with this topic. These are a few tips I recommend and tell you, when you want to become famous on social media sites like Tiktok and Instagram. The first thing …

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Tea Time!

By Jiemin Sun Tea is a traditional drink for many Asian countries, but now in America, it has become a popular beverage for many. It can even be said to rival coffee in taste and also as a relaxing drink that helps …

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