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Snapshot: Student Sleep

Source: https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2868/9688947112_56362f2002.jpg

Waking up at 6:30 AM and sleeping at 12:00 AM, the typical student who attends my local high school sleeps around 7 hours per night. Having recently transitioned from summer vacation back to school, students in my region have slowly began to …

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Technology in School

Source: http://farm8.static.flickr.com/7256/7118787133_f8762b2516.jpg

Submitted By: Katherine Han It all began in 600 BCE when a man by the name of Thales of Miletus discovered static electricity by rubbing fur on substances like amber. Since then, people have invented things such as the telephone, the TV, …

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Submitted by Eileen Guo We’ve heard a lot about recycling. Recycling starts with our used bottles, paper, glass, etc., and these items are all hand sorted and recreated into new items. Does that mean we can still buy as much as we …

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GLI Talent Show

On August 15, 2015, a full house of people gathered at Trinity Lutheran Church to watch the most talented youths in the Tri-Valley area showcase their passions and talents. This was the 3rd Annual Talent Show hosted by Global Leadership Initiative (GLI), …

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Away from School

Source: https://static.pexels.com/photos/4952/sky-beach-vacation-summer.jpeg

Submitted By: Jessica Lee How many of you have gone into summer expecting incredibly fun times and wonderful relaxation? Don’t lie, we all have. Many people, like myself, have gone into summer vacation with many expectations. Some examples include dreaming of going …

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Plastic Bags- gone or not?

Submitted by Becky Wei “How many plastic bags do we use per year?” Nowadays, many of us are using reusable shopping bags instead of plastic bags. But there are still lot of people around the world using plastic bags everyday. Can you …

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