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Snapshot: Are Grades Important?

Submitted By: Anonymous Much of the time, high school students spend their attention on grades and standardized tests and are less focused on other talents and hobbies. This is because there is a common perception that colleges focus only on quantifiable data …

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Types of Rice: Benefits and Setbacks

By Ivy Wang Rice is a staple food in many different cultures and is typically a good source of carbohydrates and fiber. However, there are many different types of rice, and each type has its benefits and setbacks. White rice is possibly …

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Planned Parenthood Shooting

In the late morning of Friday, November 27th, three people — two civilians and a police officer — were killed at the Colorado Planned Parenthood Center during a shooting and a six-hour standoff. Though the suspect has been captured and arrested, his …

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Identity Crisis

By Angela Luo In a school with almost 3000 students, I often scramble to find my own niche. I find myself feeling like a speck of dust among the thousands of other points on this graph. There’s the Math Club, the Writing …

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Airbnb By: Henry Guo Airbnb is a fast growing business based in downtown San Francisco. This company is very unique in its business model and is challenging traditional hotel businesses. It allows homeowners to rent their rooms or whole apartments out to …

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