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SF Women’s March

By: Amber Xu Hell hath no fury like one million women scorned. Women’s March. A march that happened in Washington D.C., Paris, London, Los Angeles, New York City, San Francisco, Sydney, Berlin, Nairobi, many other cities around the world, and even Antarctica! …

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Glowing Roads

Submitted by: Aimi Wen Humans have become increasingly dependent on electricity. Electricity lights our homes, provides us warmth, moves us from place to place, builds things, and so much more. However, there are several instances where our precious electricity is wasted. In …

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Bright Beetroot Drink

The list of “Super foods” for teenagers includes tomatoes, oats, blueberries, salmon, kale, broccoli, black beans, etc. But research shows Beets should also be added to this list. Research shows beetroots can boost stamina and helping you exercise longer, improve blood flow, …

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Social Security

By Michael Yang The recent presidential election featured debates over many topics, most prominently over issues such as immigration and taxes. However, practically no time was spent by either candidate on the topic of Social Security, a program which has many undeniable …

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Lunar New Year

By: Jinsong Tu Lunar New Year is finally here and it has received more attention than ever before Also known as the Spring Festival, Lunar New Year is China’s most important holiday, beginning on the first day of the Lunar Calendar and …

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California’s Drought

Submitted by: Lauren Watt There are many factors influencing our environment. As the number of problems increases, so does the need for us to be aware of the issues affecting our environment. Many of us tend to not do much about these …

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