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Space and our Bodies: Gravity

By Michael Chang Space, the gargantuan area that surrounds the small blue marble we call our planet, is a dangerous place. Even deadly is an understatement. In space, there is nothing to help us slow down, let us hear each other, and …

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Naptime Isn’t Just For Kids

By Krystal Yang How many times have you seen a classmate fall asleep during a lecture? In fact, how many times have you yourself fallen asleep in the middle of class? Unfortunately, you are not alone. In a survey conducted by the …

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How self-driving cars will change your life

Here at Rising Star Magazine, technology is usually separated from the lifestyle column. However, one new development in the tech world today will have such a large impact on our lives: autonomous cars. Once fully autonomous cars are introduced to the world, …

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Antarctica Ice-Sheets

Submitted by: Lauren Watt Greenland, much of which is covered in ice, is located in the Danish territory between the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. There is an ice sheet covering the island of Greenland, and we can see dramatic melting in …

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Cell Phone Radiation

By Jiemin Sun Today, the mobile phone has become a necessity for everyone. Throughout the day, many keep their phones close to them. Men often hang phones in the waist, in the pants pocket or chest pocket. Women tends to hold phones …

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