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The Year of Drilling

Submitted by: Aimi Wen For years, conservationists have fought to keep the oil industry from encroaching on lands that should be defended and protected. National parks and wildlife refuges have all been created in order to protect these said lands that many …

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Will Bitcoin Survive in Today’s Market? China Says No.

By Jiaxin Zuo On January 2, 2018, China prohibited Bitcoin mining and asked the Bitcoin community, including CHBTC, the world’s largest Bitcoin Exchange Enterprise, to officially halt Bitcoin mining. On the following day, bitcoinchina.com halted new account registration, logins, and Bitcoin withdrawals. …

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Tests Do Not Make the Teacher

By Krystal Yang We all imagine the same scenario when the phrase “in preparation for standardized testing” is spoken in class: a teacher stands at the front of the classroom and reads sentences from a textbook or state-certified testing instruction manual while …

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Money or Health?

Submitted by: Eileen Guo China has undoubtedly become an economic powerhouse. However, the country is polluted. Though many have risen out of poverty, 1.1 million people have been killed by air pollution (in 2015). The government has already taken action to promote …

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Chernobyl Disaster

Nuclear power was always seen as the power source of the future, but it can quickly become only part of the past. The towns of Chernobyl and Pripyat were small, thriving soviet cities with a combined population of 100,000. Days later, they …

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Are We Going To Lose Our Internet?

By Vincent Huang On Thursday, December 14th, the FCC, also known as the Federal Communications Commission, repealed the rules regarding net neutrality. Net neutrality is the principle that all internet service providers, or ISPs, must provide equal access to all websites and …

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