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High Stress

By Aimi Wen At this point, I am pretty sure that everyone has heard about how stressed us teenagers are today. However, it is a topic that needs to be continuously talked about because our stress levels have not gone down, and …

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The E.U.’s New Privacy Law

By Bo The GDPR is a set of regulations set by the European Union to protect personal data of people living in the European Union, and is comprised of around 900 homogenous rules in the over 200 page long law. The GDPR …

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An Unavoidable Bias

By Serena Mao Sitting bewildered in my sixth grade class, my jaw dropped wide open as I viewed the events before me unfold. As part of our health unit, we were studying physical appearance and the resulting effects of bias––what is called …

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Helping Kids Get a Head Start

By Krystal Yang Lyndon B. Johnson ascended to the presidency after President Kennedy’s death, bringing with him new policies to fight poverty and racial discrimination under a blanket term, “The Great Society.” As president, Johnson instituted the Great Society reforms to aid …

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NBA Championships

By Derek Dong   The Cleveland Cavaliers had a good shot at stealing away Game 1 of the 2017-2018 NBA Championships from the Warriors at Oracle Arena last Thursday, but fell short after a crucial blunder by shooting guard J.R. Smith. After …

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Sunscreen Ban to Protect Environment

Submitted by: Selena Guo Recently, Hawaii passed a bill banning sunscreens that contain oxybenzone and octinoxate. The reason for this is because these chemicals are causing damage to the coral reefs by bleaching them and hurting the animals that rely on the …

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