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The Birds and the Bees

By Jamie Minden Despite their obvious necessity, bees have been dying off quickly.  Recently, a year of pesticide use destroyed 44% of US bee colonies, and 7 species of bees are on the endangered species list.  European countries have even cited a …

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By Allen Bryan Having an egg every morning for protein is a healthful dietary habit, but it could also cause a type of food poisoning known as Salmonella. The infection is called Salmonellosis, but is widely known by the bacteria’s genus name, …

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Google’s Censored Search

David Zhang The great firewall. It is a firewall that blocks sites not approved by China’s communist regime. This includes many popular social media and news sites such as Facebook and Google. As a result, Chinese sites such as Baidu and WeChat …

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The Irony of Jokes

Serena Mao Making friends and having a sense of humor are people’s common desires. As with anything that people want, there are strategies and techniques to accomplishing them. Too often, however, instead of being truly social or hilarious, they involve methods that …

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Potent Probiotic Power

By Kevin Bryan For thousands of years, people have been eating yogurt, kefir, and other fermented foods because they are tasty and they store well. Yogurt is one of the oldest and most-popular fermented foods in the world. It dates back five …

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