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Wyze Data Leak

By Kevin Zhang This week, security camera startup Wyze has confirmed that it suffered a data leak earlier this month. No passwords and financial information was exposed, but email addresses, WiFi network IDs, and body metrics were left vulnerable for around three …

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Coping Mechanisms

Serena Mao When things don’t go as planned, we all have different reactions to our apparent failures. Some of us feel down, others channel their frustration through anger. Indeed, when we don’t succeed at something we deeply care about, we often begin …

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Homework Surveys

By Sid Samel School administrations often wonder how much homework their students receive on a day-to-day basis. The obvious way to find out would be homework surveys for each student to fill out each day. However, is that really the most effective …

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Fake Kindness

By: Julia Zhao A small act of kindness can change someone else’s life. Often on social media platforms, such as Youtube or Facebook, heartwarming stories of a life changing event triggered by somebody’s charity. Like an adult paying for a broke college …

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The Amazing Cow

By Kevin Bryan Climate change is becoming an increasingly pressing issue, and governments throughout the world are starting to take notice. One of the largest sources of this problem is animal agriculture and its resulting environmental footprint. Animal agriculture puts a heavy …

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Seasonal Depression

By: Michelle Hua Depression comes in multiple forms, with one of the most common being seasonal affective depression (SAD). As the name suggests, SAD is a type of depression that changes with the seasons, with symptoms that start and end at the …

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Comforting Others

Serena Mao As social creatures, humans commonly feel the need to tell others about their problems or struggles. Indeed, it feels almost claustrophobic and uncomfortable to keep our emotions bottled up. However, the necessity to share our experiences necessitates the existence of …

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