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Mars Colony

Mars Colony by William Zeng and Michael Yang   There have been no manned missions to Mars, and that is problematic, and unfortunate. It is vitally important to have a manned mission to Mars, as soon as possible, in order to establish …

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Parent Interview: Student Stress and Wellness

Parent Interview: Student Stress and Wellness   On August 9th, the student stress and wellness speech was held. The speech covered the student stress and wellness survey report. We invited couple speakers to talk about the stress that the students have. And …

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Lower The Drinking Age

Lower The Drinking Age By Timothy Ding The drinking age in the United States is 21. In other countries, the drinking age is significantly lower, at 18. These countries also happen to have a lower drunk driving accident rate. Yet while this …

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Is Trump Who he Says he is?

Is Trump Who he Says he is? by Michael Yang As of late, Donald Trump has garnered much controversy over his plans to run for President of the United States. His rash personality, and extreme views have led many to believe that …

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Racial Tensions in the US

By Michael Yang America has always been a country that is known for its diversity. Its motto, “E Pluribus Unum” (Out of many, one), makes clear its diversity of race and religion. Indeed, studies have shown that by 2043, no single race …

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Bruce, the Car Salesman

By Jennifer Hao A car salesman, a car salesman? A car salesman! That is the one of the most loathed professions in our society. Every time I go out for lunch passing through that car dealership,  I would look over that row …

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