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Living My Dignified American Life

By Sun Yan Today I had an online chat with a friend who lived in Beijing. He asked me how long I had been in the U.S., and when I replied about 20 some years, he exclaimed, “There you are living a …

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Caring Only About Good Colleges is Harmful

By: Michael Yang   It seems that everything that we do in high school, from starting clubs to taking exams, is  done solely to show off to colleges. Many high school students do things not for their own enjoyment, but out of …

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The Story Behind Donald Trump

By Ethan Hu  Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946 in New York City, the child of Mary Anne Trump and Fred Trump. Because his father worked in real estate development, Donald naturally followed in his footsteps and immediately joined his …

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Ethics in the Corporate World

By Michael Yang Recently, Turing Pharmaceuticals CEO Martin Shkreli was arrested on fraud charges, and unrelated to the arrest, he increased the price of a lifesaving drug by 5000%, making it unavailable to those who need it most, simply to maximize profits. …

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Think Carefully Before Joining Greek Life

To incoming college students, many of whom are away from the comfort of home for the first time, joining a sorority or a fraternity can be an alluring prospect if for those who seek an wide, easy-to-reach social circle. However, it’s not …

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The Force Awakens Review

By Michael Yang Star Wars: The Force Awakens is a great movie that definitely deserves to be watched. Unlike previous, lackluster movies such as the Phantom Menace, The Force Awakens is a blast, with great special effects, acting, and characters. I don’t …

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The Importance of GPA

By Michael Yang Oftentimes, students will forgo difficult classes, and instead opt for less challenging classes, simply to maintain a high GPA. To many, it is more important to earn an A in an easy class than it is to learn something …

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