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Plan for Christmas NOW!

Submitted by Eileen Guo Why are you buying a new pine tree every year? Are you (chest)nuts(roasting on an open fire)? Okay, yes it’s February but it’s never too late, or as I like to say, never too early for Christmas!! Buying …

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Caring Only About Good Colleges is Harmful

By: Michael Yang   It seems that everything that we do in high school, from starting clubs to taking exams, is  done solely to show off to colleges. Many high school students do things not for their own enjoyment, but out of …

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I-78 Pileup

A massive collision involving over dozens of vehicles occurred on Saturday, February 13th on a stretch of the I-78 in Pennsylvania at around 9:30 AM. The weather was the primary culprit for this deadly accident, the drivers say. Over 60 vehicles fell …

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The Story Behind Donald Trump

By Ethan Hu  Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946 in New York City, the child of Mary Anne Trump and Fred Trump. Because his father worked in real estate development, Donald naturally followed in his footsteps and immediately joined his …

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Middle School vs High School

Submitted By: Jessica Lee   Middle school and high school are different in many aspects, as I have discovered, being one semester in with my first year of high school. As an 8th grader, I had much to look forward to along …

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Flint’s Water Crisis

Submitted by Helena Li Flint, Michigan has been experiencing a water crisis since April 2014. Many parents and families have complained about the yellow-brown color of the water and a strange smell/taste, but officials downplayed the concerns for a long time. Finally, …

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