Submitted by: Selena Guo
Hey guys! The cold season is slowly fading away, which means camping will be starting shortly. I hope you all stay safe, and have fun. Here are some things to keep in mind while you’re having a blast!
Things not to do while camping:
1. Leave garbage behind
This goes without saying, but littering is harmful to the environment. Plastics and metals are not biodegradable and leave toxins. Animals can also consume the trash and die as a result.
2. Don’t take anything
Though you may be tempted by a pretty flower on a trail, don’t take it. By doing so, you are taking away from the environment and harming it. Not to mention, it might be poisonous.
3. Approach wild animals
These animals are unused to human contact and will respond negatively or aggressively. They do not want to be disturbed. They might be carrying diseases such as rabies. Either you or the animal will be harmed.
Remember this the next time you go camping.
Have fun, and care for the environment while doing so.