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Reflections of High School

Submitted By: Alex Li With the two weeks of AP testing over, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief. I can finally look forward to four years of attending one of the most prestigious universities in the world, UC Berkeley. However, …

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Discovering yourself

During their high school and college years, students often find such anxiety and trying to discover who they are. When students arrive at colleges, they hear the same thing over and over again: Use these years do find yourself. Learn to play …

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Rhino Found!

Submitted by: Stephanie Zhang For the past forty years, Sumatran rhinos had been thought to be extinct in Kalimantan, the Indonesian segment of Borneo. In a fortunate turn of events, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) declared that they had successfully and safely …

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The deets on pet allergies

15% of the U.S.’s population is allergic to pets, namely cats and dogs. For them, symptoms can range from a mild stuffy nose and swelling to severe rashes, difficulty breathing, or even an asthma attack. Allergies are simply symptoms of the immune …

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Problems with Teachers

By Margaret Li Throughout my school years, I have found plenty of problems with teachers that I want to point out. I am not an expert on this field, as I am still a student. However I do want to state my …

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The Future of Tesla

By: Ethan Hu In the past few months, Tesla has launched two new models, the older being the model X and the latter being the model 3. The model X, Tesla’s first SUV, holds up to seven people and features falcon wing …

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The Argument for Animal Testing

Submitted by: Alex Li, Huichuan Yang When it comes to the topic of animal rights, most of us will readily agree that animals should not have to undergo unnecessary pain and suffering. Where this argument usually ends, however, is on the question …

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