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Being “Basic”

Serena Mao Urban Dictionary defines “basic” as someone who is “only interested in things mainstream, popular, and trending.” In teenage pop culture, we often hear this term being thrown around as a pejorative comment: “You’re so basic,” or “What? That’s so basic.” …

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By: Amy Suh No one would have ever thought that March 13 would be our last day of junior year. When the Bay Area started to see cases of the infamous coronavirus, things escalated very quickly. The PAUSD school board decided to …

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Mount Rushmore Fireworks

By Christina Hua A tradition on Independence Day is to set off fireworks to celebrate the nation’s birth. However, fireworks were banned near Mount Rushmore in 2009 after a pine beetle infestation, which could potentially cause wildfires. However, now people, such as …

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Caffeine in Teens

By: Peter Li Caffeine has been a well-known substance for centuries; with its first discoveries in 1819 by Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge. The most common sources for caffeine in the world nowadays include coffee, sodas, and other energy drinks. With more and more …

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Serena Mao At my school, being “busy” is almost worn like a badge of pride. In the hallways, it’s not uncommon to hear people battling over how little sleep they got the night before. Students are almost excited to tell their friends …

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Greco-Turkish Border Skirmish

By Michael Chang This year continues the new monthly traditions of increasing international tension as Turkey, a holdover site for much of Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan’s refugees, opens its border for migrants to leave for the European Union.  Turkish President Recep Erdogan …

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