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India’s Struggle to Air Conditioning

By: Ryane Li As the climate crisis has only been growing worse, and temperatures are increasing across the globe, Indian architects have developed unique terracotta structures to combat the rising heat. Air conditioning demands are projected to triple by 2050, and many …

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Microplastic Concentrations on Ocean Floor

By Owen Xu On the bottom of the Mediterranean near Italy, scientists have detected high concentrations of microplastics; in fact, these samples contain the highest concentrations ever recorded. The University of Manchester led a study that discovered that there were approximately 1.9 …

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By: Emily Zhang When we talk about dislocation, most of the time we referring to joint dislocation. While dislocations are rare throughout the US, arm dislocation can be more common for children, especially when they play or fight.  Dislocation is fairly easy …

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#MeToo in 2020

Serena Mao Tara Reade, a woman who formerly worked for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, has accused him of sexual assault in the spring of 1993… And Biden has retorted with a response we’ve gotten uncomfortable used to: a vehement denial. Riding …

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