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Sports in the Movies: The Hustler

This month I will stretch the boundaries of sports to include billiards, particularly that subtype of billiards known as pocket billiards or pool. Pool is played with cue sticks and ceramic balls on a felt-covered, rectangular table with borders and six pockets …

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Clothing Styles

In this article, I’ll be showing you how to find your own dressing style. Over the years, dressing styles have changed drastically. From corsets and suits to modern T-shirts and pants. To find your own style, you should look online. A few …

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Best Skin Products

To ensure you have clear skin and skin that isn’t dull, here are a few of my favorite products to use to help improve your skin conditions and in my opinion are very useful to me.  The Cerave lotion is very popular …

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How To Get Past Writer’s Block

By: Michelle Hua Everyone’s had to write before, whether it be for a school project, for work, or even just for fun. And when writing, most people have experienced a moment of writer’s block. It may be frustrating, but there are several …

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Russia Demands NATO Withdrawal From Ukraine

By Kevin Zhang Russia has said on Friday that it was looking to NATO was a legally-binded guarantee to withdraw its military activities in Eastern Europe and Ukraine, among other demands in a list of security guarantees it was looking to negotiate …

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A healthy sleep schedule – tips

Having a healthy sleep schedule is very important, and I’m going to show you how to create your own healthy sleep schedule.  The first thing you want to do is to make a planner of when you want to sleep and when …

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