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The use of e-cigarettes, or more commonly known as vaping, is becoming an increasingly popular recreation. About 2 million teenagers use e-cigarettes. E-cigarettes are relatively new to the market, so how has it become so popular? Vaping is different from cigarettes in …

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Exercise Foods

By Stephanie Lin It’s fairly common knowledge that before and after a workout, foods with high-sugar contents are not recommended, while sufficient water and foods high in protein and carbohydrates are best. When put in different situations before and after workouts with …

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Stress vs. Happiness

By Isabelle Jia Stress is a large problem in today’s students whether it is obtained through middle school, high school, or college. As students grow older, the stress level tends to build because people think that in order to get into a …

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Common Core, A New Standard

Source: http://pixabay.com/static/uploads/photo/2013/07/12/17/18/apple-151989_640.png

Submitted By: Zane Lee Common Core is confusing! Even my middle school daughter said, “yes, it is still too new for students and most parents”. What is Common Core, and why do we need it anyway? Simply put, the Common Core is …

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Bacteria are very interesting creatures.  A lot of people think of them and think “Oh, bacteria are deadly.  They’re responsible for a lot of diseases that we get.”  That may be true, but they’re double edged swords.  They’re everywhere, from inside our …

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