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Switching Schools

Submitted By: Katherine Han March 11, 2016, 5:00 PM, anxiety was high as students sat unwavering at their desks. Laptop in front of them, phone in their hands. Students sat staring at their laptop screens, constantly refreshing their email. That was the …

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Waking up in the morning

By: Jocelyn Li Many of us have trouble waking up in the morning. Our loud alarms wake us up, but we fall back asleep as we press the snooze button. When you finally realize that you’re late for school, you jump out …

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GMOs Impact the Environment

Submitted by: Timothy Lee Would you like your corn to look like this? Probably not… But that’s what corn before selective genetic modification would have looked like. GMOs have been in our food supply since the 1990s, but, some are demanding their …

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Protein and Hair Growth

If you are spending tens to hundreds of dollars on hair treatments, it’s time to stop. Instead, examine your diet. Chances are, if you’re suffering from thinning and hair breakage, it’s due to a protein deficiency in your diet. The importance of …

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Why Everyone Should Be A Feminist

This Tuesday, March 8th, was International Women’s Day. Women all over the globe posted smiling selfies on Instagram and used filters saying “I’m Proud to be a Woman” on Snapchat in a global effort to make social media an awareness platform. It …

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Submitted By: Alex Li When I was a freshman, I remember the days when I looked in awe at the seniors. They were so laid back, mature, and seemed to be having the times of their lives. Teachers who taught both seniors …

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The Resurgence of Vinyl Records

By: Henry Guo Have you ever heard of vinyl record? For people who were born after 1980s they may hardly hear it and see it. It was dominate music industry from 1930s to 1980s. Record companies like Columbia, EMI, RCA Philips and …

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