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Self Control

By Jiemin S As a teenager, are you controlling your life? Are you good at controlling your life? What is self control? By definition, self-control is the ability to stop when necessary, or to keep calm to make rational decisions. Self control …

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Alphabet’s Balloon Turns on Internet in Puerto Rico

By Roger Kim On October 20, Google’s parent company Alphabet officially deployed two high-altitude balloons delivering the LTE internet services to areas of Puerto Rico where cell towers were knocked out by Hurricane Maria. Hurricane Maria devastated the U.S. territory since making …

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Riding Ocean Pollution

Submitted by: Stephanie Zhang Near the town of Sumbawa Besar in Indonesia, photographer Justin Hofman and wildlife spotter Richard White, along with others, take a break from their expedition to do some snorkeling at the reef. “The reef was actually in surprisingly …

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Synthetic and Whole-Food Vitamins

SYNTHETIC VITAMINS Synthetic vitamins are artificial chemical isolates, or a pure extract, made in a lab. These vitamins are created to mimic the vitamin benefits that their natural equivalents found in food offer. However, synthetic vitamins only provide fractionated pieces of the …

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Deadliest Fire Season in California

By Megan Tjandrasuwita and Kevin You Early dawn on October 14, 2017, hundreds of emergency personnel woke up residents of Santa Rosa, California, urging them to evacuate from a rapid approaching and intense wildfire that started six days ago and had already …

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