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Coronavirus Update

By Kevin Zhang In late December, a mysterious disease similar broke out among workers at the Huanan Seafood market in Wuhan. A few days later, it was named 2019-nCoV by Chinese researchers. 2019-nCoV is a coronavirus, named for the crown-like spikes covering …

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School Projects: Are They Worth It?

By Mihika Badjate Every student has stayed up until 2am finishing a project due the next day. Most likely, it was  one that they should have worked on earlier but either didn’t have enough time for or procrastinated on until it was …

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Wooden Headedness

By: Julia Zhao Wooden-headedness, also known as stubbornness, can be seen as both as an asset and problem in history. Persistence, even in the face of failure, often leads to new discoveries and victories. Other times, however, it can result in an …

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Tailbone Pain

By: Emily Zhang Nowadays, companies have begun to produce height adjustable computer desks, often extremely expensive. A high-end desk can cost up to $500, and even a simple manual desk still costs up to 200$. Some computer users who want a similar …

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Housing Crisis

The affordable housing crisis in America is a real issue that plagues numerous low income individuals across the country. This stark problem, however, is especially visible in areas where the biggest tech companies are present––such as the west coast. In Silicon Valley …

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