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Exfoliating your skin removes the layer of dead skin cells to brighten your complexion and unclog pores. There are many types of exfoliation, most of which falls into physical and chemical types. Physical exfoliation involves scrubbing the skin with an abrasive. Most …

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High School Health

School, sadly, is starting again. Stress is unavoidable, but don’t make it even worse with things you can actually control. High school, especially, means unhealthy hours of sleeping, eating habits, and stress levels. As much as we complain and try to change …

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Common Foods That Could Prove to be Poisonous

Under certain circumstances, the staple foods you have for dinner could send you to the emergency room. Here’s a list of poisonous food crops: Grass pea More common within Mediterranean, African, Indian, and Asian cuisine, the grass pea contains a neurotoxin called …

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By Patrick Xu   Bacteria are very interesting creatures.  A lot of people think of them and say, “Oh, bacteria are deadly.  They’re responsible for a lot of diseases that we get”. That may be true, but they’re double edged swords.  They’re …

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The Harmful Effects of Smoking to Teenagers

By Bojin Yao The smoking rate among American teenagers peaked around 90s, with the help of the Federal government restricting sales of cigarettes through various means—such as taxation—for nearly half a century, the smoking rate has declined since. However, smoking is still …

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Mental Health in the U.S.

Mental illness has always been a part of humanity. It has been hidden away, painted over, and treated like a contagious plague. The short story, “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Gilman depicts a stark reality of mental illness and the way patients …

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