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Let Us Meditate Pt.2

By Jiemin Sun Meditation can improve both your physical and emotional health, as covered in part one of Let us Meditate. One may suppress respiratory or even heart diseases just by sitting, breathing, and clearing one’s mind. Brain structure can be altered, …

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The Importance of Calcium

By Xin Chang Do you know that calcium is essential for our body’s overall nutrition and health, because it is the most abundant mineral in our body. Aside from bones and teeth, they can also be found in blood plasma, body tissues, …

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Acne’s Demise

Acne, a medical condition despised by teenagers, is mainly caused by damaged fat glands. The pores on the skin and the oil glands of the skin below are connected. These fat glands are responsible for producing sebum (an oily substance). The pores …

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French Fries

By Xin Chang Today, french fries contribute to one third of total vegetables which many kids consume. This is alarming, considering the unhealthy effects they can have on a person’s development. Although fried food is tasty, trans fat is what turns a …

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Space and our Bodies: Isolation

By Michael Chang In space, no one can hear you scream. No matter what, astronauts are always exposed to the fact that their team of six or less people are alone, over 100 miles from any civilization orbiting in the hostile environment …

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Space and our Bodies: Gravity

By Michael Chang Space, the gargantuan area that surrounds the small blue marble we call our planet, is a dangerous place. Even deadly is an understatement. In space, there is nothing to help us slow down, let us hear each other, and …

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Cell Phone Radiation

By Jiemin Sun Today, the mobile phone has become a necessity for everyone. Throughout the day, many keep their phones close to them. Men often hang phones in the waist, in the pants pocket or chest pocket. Women tends to hold phones …

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