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Identity Crisis

By Angela Luo In a school with almost 3000 students, I often scramble to find my own niche. I find myself feeling like a speck of dust among the thousands of other points on this graph. There’s the Math Club, the Writing …

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Gun Control

By Michael Yang Within the US, every mass shooting is followed with talks about stricter gun control. However, in the majority of cases, this talk dies down, with little being done to tighten gun control. People often point to the Constitution’s 2nd …

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The Death Penalty

By Michael Yang Over the years, many countries have questioned the morality of the death penalty, leading many Western countries to declare it inhumane, and abolish it. The death penalty is not only inhumane, it does nothing to deter crime, and does …

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Same-Sex Marriage

By Ethan Hu On June 26, 2015, the United States Supreme Court ruled that states could not prohibit marriage licenses to same-sex couples. For the past couple years, the whole country has been in a heated debate about whether or not it …

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BB-8: The Real Life R2D2

      By Ethan Hu Star Wars VII is coming out and a couple of new characters are introduced. If you have seen the trailer, you wouldn’t have missed a new droid rolling around on a ball. BB-8 is the robot …

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Should Abortion be Legal?

by Lucia Zhang Abortion is the act of terminating a human pregnancy, usually before a fetus is capable of an independent life. It was legalized in the United States in 1973, but the debate over whether it should have been legalized has …

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