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A Clear Comparison

Submitted by Mengyu Liu Undeniably, throughout this century, environmental issues have always been one of the most heated topics. China, as the largest developing country, and America, as the strongest developed country, both suffered, and is still suffering, from different extents of …

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News Brief

By Shannon Yan International News: A strike in Syria on July 8th killed a leader of the terrorist group Muhsin al Fadhi. Al Fadhi was the leader of the Khorasan Group, a terrorist organization composed of senior al Qaeda members who moved …

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My Journey to High School

Submitted By: Michelle Tang When I graduated from middle school, I was definitely thinking about high school. Starting high school was obviously a gigantic step towards adulthood, and towards the future, so I was actually a bit nervous. Whenever I met an …

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Common Foods That Could Prove to be Poisonous

Under certain circumstances, the staple foods you have for dinner could send you to the emergency room. Here’s a list of poisonous food crops: Grass pea More common within Mediterranean, African, Indian, and Asian cuisine, the grass pea contains a neurotoxin called …

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Lower The Drinking Age

Lower The Drinking Age By Timothy Ding The drinking age in the United States is 21. In other countries, the drinking age is significantly lower, at 18. These countries also happen to have a lower drunk driving accident rate. Yet while this …

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A World Without the Arts

Submitted By: Katherine Han Many schools are running out of money.  Often times, their solution is to cut the arts in school: no more music, art, dance, or theater. Without the arts, the world would be dull. The U.S. has a low …

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College, College, and Environment

Submitted by Hong Guo The environment may seem like a boring topic to read about, write about, or even think about. Students have enough pressure thinking about GPA, SAT, grades, and what college they want to get into. But before you choose …

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