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New Planet?

Scientists at California Institute of Technology discovered that there may be a possibility of a giant planet in the solar system. This planet, which orbits the sun elliptically every 15,000 years, shows evidence of being around the size of Neptune. After the …

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The Importance of GPA

By Michael Yang Oftentimes, students will forgo difficult classes, and instead opt for less challenging classes, simply to maintain a high GPA. To many, it is more important to earn an A in an easy class than it is to learn something …

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Private School: Pros and Cons

Submitted by: Helena Li Private school students often have a bad reputation. Many consider them to be rich and elitist. Although many may fall under this category, not everyone is snobby and stuck up, and private school students have struggles of their own. …

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Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle For many of us, the new year begins with a party with an abundance of food and then a resolution to start a healthy lifestyle. Getting in shape is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions, yet …

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Indoor Air Quality

Submitted by: Timothy Lee Infected by lung cancer and wheezing from asthma, the individuals affected by polluted air face disastrous and severe health consequences. Historically, cardiovascular diseases are the #1 cause of death throughout the world, accounting for approximately 31% of deaths …

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Recently, there has been more talk about what is in our food-or rather, what is our food. A term that frequently arises in conversation are GMOs, genetically modified organisms. In supermarkets, you can often find items boasting labels like “GMO free” or …

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