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Why You Should Write Things Down

By Michael Yang In this increasingly digital age, more and more students prefer taking notes by typing, rather than by writing things down by hand. Though many students believe that taking notes by laptop may enhance  one’s academic performance, studies show that …

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4 Reasons School is Good

By Iris Yuan More often than not, the thought of school brings groans and fake crying. We’re so used to associating school with bad feelings that we don’t even think about the benefits of school. Although high schoolers now may groan in …

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Paying Farmers to Go Organic

Submitted by: Stephanie Zhang Back in the 1980s, farmer Wendell Naraghi tried to appeal to the organic sector of customers. It was a flop. “Basically, we stopped because no one paid me,” Mr. Naraghi said. “There just was no market premium for …

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South Asia’s Medical Vow

As disaster after disaster, and epidemic after epidemic ravages the largest continent or our world, South and East Asian governments agreed to increase funding for health emergencies. The World Health Organization, or WHO, held a meeting with eleven countries in the region …

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Floating Airport

Submitted by: Ariel Yang Airports are extremely valuable in large cities and islands, but the lack of land and space has forced scientists to turn their interest to the sea. Some have proposed an interesting idea: what if we build the runways …

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