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How to Live Sustainably

By Annabelle Law According to the senior director of the World Bank, nations across the globe together create 1.3 billion tons of waste annually. America alone generates 250 million tons of trash each year, as individuals contributing 4.4 pounds of waste daily. …

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Nature’s Bounty: Healing and Health

By Christopher Noll The deadliest tsunami! The deadliest reptile! The deadliest plant! Shark Week! As addicted consumers of media, whether scrolling through the endless entertainment of Youtube or Instagram, we humans seem to consistently drawn to watching and understanding Mother Nature’s wrath– …

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A Life Without Antibiotics

By Edward Mims Most of us do not remember a world before antibiotics. It was only in the 1940s that penicillin, the first truly effective antibiotic, began to be used in a significant way. Ask your grandparents or an octogenarian neighbor what …

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Vertical Farming

By Bo W. The world’s explosive population growth is quickly outpacing the expansion of farming land. While we desperately need to secure more land for food, continued population growth will also mean a greater demand for the conversion of land into residential …

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Athlete’s Foot

By Shi Wen Xing Athlete’s foot is a disease most notably linked to the locker rooms and people who frequent them.  The locker room, however, is not the only place you can contract this infection, and feet are not the only site …

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GPS for Tracking Tumors

Medicine has come a long way, but it’s still is not quite possible to see inside a living person without invasive measures. Knowing the location of a tumor is lifesaving, but investigating inside the human body often requires cutting open a patient …

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