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French Fries

By Serena Fox News put it cleanly: “You’re not going to win any fans by taking a side against French fries.” A study published in the The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that not only do people in America eat disproportionately …

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The Unschedule

By: Michelle Hua   Many people prioritize work over play, but end up procrastinating and feeling guilty when they have time to relax. However, there is a scheduling technique that helps reduce both the mentioned effects: The Unschedule. The Unschedule was made …

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By Natasha Yen   Upcycling: The process of using discarded objects to create something useful and of greater value.   Popular upcycling ideas that may come to mind include plastic bottle planters, rubber tire seats, and tote bags made from old jeans. …

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New Year, New You

By Kevin Bryan New Years is a time of joy for many people, when whole families and communities will gather in one place to celebrate the advent of the next year. Many people enjoy New Years because they hope to start anew …

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Gene Editing Controversy

by Kevin Zhang Recently, the topic of gene editing has become one of controversy. Chinese professor He Jiankui, a biophysicist at the Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen, China has announced his work on gene editing. He claims that the …

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Reflections on Reports from Chai Jing

Author: Fan Zhihua (Tina Fan) Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, the United States Environmental Associate Professor of Occupational Medicine, has been involved in the EPA air quality standards. Education: Applied Chemistry, Peking University – Bachelor of Environmental Chemistry, Master of …

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