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Teeth Grinding

By Edward Mims As we saw in our article last week, this month is Dental Health Month. Therefore, we are going to continue on the topic of good oral health this week. This week’s focus is bruxism, more commonly known as teeth …

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Custom Water Cooling

By Alex Wang Gaming computers are no longer a rare sight. Nearly 3 million people build their own computers each year. However, some people like to go to the next level. Instead of using the conventional method of fans to cool their …

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Breaking the System

Serena Mao Around late January 2019, an email from professor Megan Neely addressed to all first- and second-year biostatistics graduate students at Duke University went viral. It revealed that two faculty members had visited Neely’s office and asked for photos of all …

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Arming Teachers In Schools

By Julie Broch The topic of whether or not to arm teachers in schools has been very controversial this past few months. In Pennsylvania, parents are suing a school district in order to prevent them from allowing teachers to carry guns in …

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The Time is Now

By Natasha Yen The issue with climate change is not new. We, as a human race, have been facing this issue for so many years – far too long. Yet, we cannot seem to change our ways in order to protect our …

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Dental Health Month

By Kevin Bryan To many, February is the month of love and the shortest month with a leap day that happens every four years. However, less commonly known is that February is also National Children’s Dental Health Month, a month where the …

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