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How Does Staying Up Late Affect You?

By: Michelle Hua People nowadays are getting fewer and fewer hours of sleep because of work pressure. Teenagers, especially, are sacrificing their golden hours of sleep in return for the completion of their school work and other related activities. But is it …

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Tik Tok and Lookism

Serena Mao In 2020, we’d like to think that we’re more tolerant and welcoming of diversity. Indeed, we’ve made monumental progress in the inclusion of people of all genders, religions, and races. The one area we still seem to struggle with, however, …

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Iran Shoots Down Civilian Plane

The plane, which turned out to be a Ukrainian jetliner with 176 people on board, crashed and exploded in a ball of fire. Within minutes, the top commanders of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards realized what they had done. And at that moment, they …

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The Seatology: The Science Behind a Seating Chart

by: Leena Elzeiny Desks have been symbolic of the quality of education since the beginning of time, and not every country mirrors an American’s average desk. In Egypt, overcrowded schools force children to work on their laps, whereas in China, students receive …

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GMO Foods

By: Eileen Guo Genetically modified foods have been around since the mid-1900s. As the scientific understanding of how genes worked evolved, genetic engineering was first described in the early 1970s as a way to create desired traits using recombinant DNA technology, where …

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Heart Risk That Will Surprise You

By: Alice Zhong Lowering your risk of heart disease is one of the most important things on which to focus. One person dies every 37 seconds in the United States from cardiovascular disease. About 647,000 Americans die from heart disease each year—that’s …

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