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Longevity in Nangano

By: Serena Mao There’s never been an answer to the age old question (no pun intended): How can we live longer? Instead of speculating on vague methods that may or may not work, we might be able to learn something from the …

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Introduction to Myocarditis

By: Eric Hua When my roommate in college went to the doctor for a checkup, he was asked to go back for further examination because his heartbeat was beating too quickly. Soon, he was diagnosed with myocarditis and he was suspended from …

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Fuel Truck Bombing in Syria

By Kevin Zhang A fuel truck bomb in a northern Syrian market killed at least 46 on April 28th, including Syrian rebel fighters backed by Turkey, according to US officials.  The blast occurred in Afrin, a city controlled by Turkish proxies, just …

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Power of Pets

By: Eileen Guo We all start screaming in a high pitched voice when we see a cute dog on a walk because we know the immediate joys of meeting one. Animals serve various purposes but many of us are unaware of the …

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Zentangle Art Therapy

By: Emily Zhang In mental health fields, it’s not surprising to use music and free drawing to help calm down, relax and express inner feelings. Now a new art form, Zentangle, joins the psychology and mental health field. Zentangle was introduced by …

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Removing CO2 from the Atmosphere

by David Zhang As Climate Change continues to occur due to numerous human-produced waste products such as methane and CO2, the race is on to find sustainable methods of removing these byproducts; especially, CO2, tons of which is produced everyday and will …

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