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Interview with Dublin Mayor Candidate

By: Max Zhuang

Max Zhuang: Why did you decide to be involved in politics and what are you running for?

David Haubert: I will be running for Mayor of Dublin and my involvement started when I first moved to Dublin. My daughter was in the first grade and I realized that our schools needed help; Dougherty was the only school district, and I chose to be involved.

Max: What ideas did you want to implement when making policies when you served on the school board?

Haubert: Well I believed that what was important was to raise the expectations and standard of expectation for students. I started a policy called the Advanced Scholars Diploma, which was at a much higher standard than the regular high school diploma. We noticed when we required certain grade point averages or set an amount of AP classes required to qualify, students tried harder and expected more of themselves. Another focal point I have had serving was making sure to scrutinize teachers through a Teacher Induction Program where we really examine a teacher within their first year of teaching to ensure that students receive the highest quality of teachers.

Max: How have your strong views on schools helped or hurt your political career?

Haubert: Well when I first got on the council, I made it very clear right away that I wanted to help the schools, which has been one of my main driving points and made me more relatable with the Chinese community. I’m very excited to have been invited by the DCA and get to know and appreciate the Chinese community and culture. And I just want to leave one the note that I will always listen, work hard, and respect.

David Haubert truly shows the roots of where he came from and who he is as a person, as well as why his values are how they are. He believes education comes first, and Haubert’s past policies improved the schools throughout the entire city and will continue to make an impact for future students to come. Many of his values align with those of the Chinese community and I wouldn’t be surprised if Haubert captures much of the Chinese community demographic.


About Eric Guo

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