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Back to School

Start your school year with style! 1. Fall cleaning Yes, we’ve all heard of spring cleaning. But you should begin your academic year with a refreshing room! Repaint! Throw out broken furniture! Donate old clothes! The result will be mind boggling. Start …

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Scorching Hot, Stylishly Cool, or Extremely Questionable? Trend Watch, Issue #1 Okay, we’ve seen it all. Things that crashed into our world and had us all hooked, whether it was because we were intrigued by its sheer awesomeness or disgusted by its …

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Pass the Tea!

It’s a typical Monday morning. You wake up, and instinctively, the first thing that you do is make yourself a steamy cup of coffee. Whether you like it black or with extra cream and sugar, 83% of Americans drink coffee on a …

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Lights, Camera, Fashion: Runway: Many new styles and trends have hit the runway for the fall and the winter, so for all you fashionistas out there, here are the major trends of the cold season. 1. Don’t be afraid to experiment with …

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Fall Transitions

So girls, it’s finally here. The summer sun slowly wears out, and out comes the wispy clouds. Trees begin changing into shades of yellow, orange, and red as the air becomes crisp and cool. That’s right. Autumn is here, and with autumn …

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By 杨索菲 我的爸爸是在穷苦的农村长大的。爷爷奶奶目不识丁都是文盲,但是他勤劳好学,凭着自己的努力,实现了他小时候想当科学家的梦想。 我出生前,爸爸万里迢迢把家从中国搬到了美国。除了两个箱子,他在美国什么都没有。他每天不是学习就是给老板做研究。他得来的助学金除了养活我们那个小家庭还要帮助在中国的爷爷奶奶。因为他住的地方离学校很远又买不起汽车,爸爸就从一个中国留学生手中 花二十块钱买了一辆旧自行车。没有自行车时,他每天都要走路到学校,亚利桑那夏天的热浪总是把我爸爸晒得满头大汗。这辆自行车是省吃俭用买来的,所以它可是一件无价之宝。 有一天夜里,到处都是黑乎乎的,伸手不见五指。他骑着自行车走在社区的小路上,突然从他的左边冒出来一辆汽车,“砰”的一声撞到了爸爸。爸爸从自行车飞了下来。他缓过来时发现他那宝贵的自行车彻底坏了,车轱辘压得像麻花一样。他的腿上流满了血,他也没有理会,他全部的精神都集中在他心爱的自行车上。 撞上爸爸后,汽车司机吓得连忙从车里冲了出来。他一边道歉一边问爸爸需要多少钱。要知道爸爸当时只是一个穷学生,完全可以多要点钱贴补家用,可是爸爸没有这么做。他只要了二十块自行车钱。 从我爸爸的生活中,我发现诚实是一种高尚的品格。诚实的人会赢得人们的尊敬和信任,使自己取得成功而且活得幸福快乐。我以爸爸为榜样要做一个诚实的人。

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