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The Greatest Experience of my Life

When I first heard of the Youth and Government program, I wasn’t very excited about doing it. The first thing I heard about it was, “you learn about government”. I had no prior interest in government so the description made me feel …

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Interview with Julia Hu(胡奇志)

Dr. Julia Hu has been selected for America’s Top Dentists 2011, 2012 and 2013 by Consumers’ Research Council of America. She received her DDS degree from West China Medical University 1985 and worked as a dentist and assistant professor in Xiangya (Yale …

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DECA: The experience of a lifetime

DECA is a student organization of over 200,000 members internationally and over 4,500 members here in California. It prepares its members for careers in business fields and integrates classroom instruction to the real world in order to prepare the next generation to …

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Stanford University Student: Ray Zhou

Ray Zhou graduated valedictorian of his 2012 class at Amador Valley High School and is currently a sophomore at Stanford University. In the season of college applications and acceptances, Ray gives some advice for high school students. 1.  What do you think …

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Mr. Matt Finders: Advice to Future Musicians

Matt Finders is a trombonist and former member of Jay Leno Band on Tonight Show. He performed in several big bands and major musical productions on Broadway. I decided to interview Mr. Finders as a successful musician to understand more about music …

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By: 陆怡洋       小学毕业后那个暑假,我搬到新的学区。虽然我知道别的同学从小学就认识,并且早就互相熟悉,我对新学校有一种无法解释的期待。在新的地方应该能交到很多新朋友吧?开学第一天,我兴奋地走向了学校,前往教室。整个早晨我脑子里只想着一件事:朋友。每个老师们都对我很好,可我当时寻找的并不是善良的老师,而是善良的同学。可到了下午,还是连一个同学都没跟我说话。下课铃声响起时,我只好失落地走出教室。这到底是怎么回事?真的没有人想跟我交朋友吗?我对上学第一天的欲望就这样被否定了吗?当我最后一点期望快要消失时,我突然感觉到有人轻轻地拍了我的肩膀。 “你是新同学吗?欢迎来到我们学校,交个朋友吧!” 就这么两句话彻底改变了我的心情。一个绝望的一天忽然充满了希望,我疲劳的表情突然变成了灿烂的笑容。朋友终于找到了! 初中的第一天,我意识到了友谊巨大的重要性。朋友就像珍贵的珠宝:找到了一定要珍惜。孟子曾经说过:“人之相识,贵在相知,人之相知,贵在知心。”找到一个朋友本来就很难,找到一个知心的朋友可是难上加难!不知是运气还是缘分,那天关心我的你就是我在学校里第一个朋友,也是我最好的朋友。谢谢你在这三年一直这么温暖和贴心,让我体会到只有好朋友能给的幸福!

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