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The Way to the Soul

By Tammy Lu American writer, Bill James, once said, “It’s easy for people to grow up in our society believing that certain lifestyles are risk free when they certainly are not.” A lifestyle could be defined as the way a person lives, …

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A Letter to Freshman Me

Submitted By: Alex Li Dear Freshman Me,   As the November 30 University of California application deadline came and passed, I can look back upon the last two months with a sigh of relief. The gruelling parts are over: preparing and taking …

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Monument Community Offers Diverse Cuisine

Monument Community Offers Diverse Cuisine by: Richard Eber Calling the Monument Community of Concord a “Gourmet Ghetto” is no insult. For years this area has been the home of a large number of affordable restaurants that diners from the entire region have …

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Why women should consider weight training

By Joyce Ye When most women think of weight training, they think of the big, shirt-ripping muscles so often found on bodybuilders, and run the other way. In reality, these are the very stereotypes that keep women from reaping the benefits of …

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Classical music, the epitome of fine art

By Stephanie Lin Classical music, the epitome of fine art. Also the equivalent of a vegetable in music – healthy for you, but mostly unpopular and pushed away. Starting from the formation of a fetus within a body, classical music has been …

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Violent Video Games

By Ethan Hu Over the past several years, there has been a sudden increase in the release of violent videos games. Along with the growing production rate of games, there has been a surge of players, especially among teenagers. Many people have …

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Oceanic Pollution

By: Amy Yao Human trash in the ocean has negatively affected the environment through the use of littering many tons of plastic debris to create an enormous patch of garbage in the ocean. Humans are becoming increasingly irresponsible and cleaning up ourselves …

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